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- Payment terminals:
- Mobile applications:
«О! Деньги»
- Bank card VISA/Mastercard. - Cash at the office. - Transfer to the current account.
When replenishing the balance through payment terminals, use in the menu of the payment terminal - "Asiainfo PID Balance Replenishment". Enter your personal ID, click the "Next". Check the correctness of entering the personal ID, the "Next" and enter the amount through the bill acceptor. The amount deposited by you will be credited to your account, minus the terminal commission. Be sure to keep your receipt. When replenishing the balance through mobile applications, use the menu of the mobile application - "Asiainfo PID Balance Replenishment". Enter your Personal ID. Specify the required amount for replenishment. Click the pay button. The total amount that will be debited from the account is displayed before clicking the "Pay" button. To replenish your personal ID through a VISA / Mastercard bank card, go through authorization in your personal account. Follow the link "Balance". Find the "Bank Cards" section. Click the "Pay Online" button. At the next step, enter the required amount and click "Continue". In a new tab, a page will open in front of you, in which you must specify the data of your card: Name on the card, card number, card expiration date, CVV2 code, e-mail, contact phone number. To complete, click the "Pay" button. If your bank card VISA / Mastercard does not support payment via the Internet, then contact the bank where your card is serviced for advice. Funds are credited to the specified personal ID within five minutes. To check the receipt of funds, log in to your personal account. The current balance is displayed in the upper right corner of your personal account. In your personal account, you need to dispose of funds, depending on your needs (Purchasing a domain name, renewing a domain name, activating additional services). Automatic domain name renewal is applied only if the corresponding "Renew automatically" checkbox is checked and the required amount is available. If the terminal, as well as any payment system, for any reason, cannot issue a check, or the amount you deposited did not arrive on your personal identifier, then, for advice, contact the customer support service of the payment system, the contacts of which are indicated on the monitor or case payment terminal, or in the mobile wallet application.
DNSSEC is a set of IETF extensions to the DNS protocol to help mitigate IP address spoofing attacks. It aims to provide DNS clients with a guarantee of the validity of the relationship of a domain name to the corresponding IP address.
If you have the DNSSEC extension configured on your DNS server, then you can publish the public part of the key (DS) in the registry.
The public key, after adding it in your personal account, will be displayed in the WHOIS service, as well as the DNSSEC public key can be checked with the DIG or NSLOOKUP utility.
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